Dr. Bianca Knoll

Why I love CODAGE?
My approach to facial aesthetic surgery has always been enhancing a patient’s beauty. My facial surgeries are bespoke, individualized, and unique to this one patient. Everybody sees it; nobody recognizes it. Beauty has truly no age - with an approach, sophisticated and independent from trends. Like my extensive training as a plastic surgeon, a dedication to science and knowledge is required to develop a skin care which excels. A skillset, and time commitment not available to me as a surgeon. Therefore I always refrained offers to launch my own skin care. Our practice has left this to the experienced professionals.
During one of my many stays in France I came across CODAGE. From the beginning I liked the brands bespoke individualized approach, their serums, their products, their history, made in France. It has not been until a Friday afternoon in January, when Co-Founder Julien Azencott and his team welcomed us at their headquarter in Paris to learn more about CODAGE. There we were able to hear first hand about the companies family history, the commitment to not only their products but to the ingredients used in CODAGE Paris and the option to have a complete diagnosis to allow for a personalized formula. The philosophy, quality and authenticity of the people being the brand, and the products of CODAGE just matched. Having seen and experienced the products first hand, what started out as curiosity into what else CODAGE Paris had to offer, shifted to how can we share with our patients the CODAGE Paris brand.
Their expertise allowed us to curate out the exclusive gift you hold in your hands, complimenting your surgery, treatment or experience with us. With CODAGE Paris, my practice has had the privilege to work with professionals that mirror the same ideologies of beauty and aging. Having experienced our own personalized analysis and formulas, the attention to detail that each ingredient to treat every need and interest is given, creating a truly individual formula reflects the "Every skin is unique and deserves the right nutrition" motto that CODAGE Paris is known for.
Our practice is delighted to share this brand with you, our patient.
I hope you will enjoy CODAGE Paris as much as we do.